HQTR – Annual Monitor & Gurney Maintenance R4 R10 R22 E8 BLS13 BlS12
Reserved on 2/9/22 at 8:18am by Carla Gregory (8-2535) for Captain Wade Haller. For any question/concerns, please contact Capt. Haller at 8-2558 or via cell at 562-900-6041
Rotate all Rescues,BLS and PAU’s thru HQ per Capt Haller. PAU’S: E2, E5, E6, E7, E8, E13, E14, E15, E17, E19, RB1, E20, E24 – REMAINING UNITS NOT ABLE TO ROTATE THRU WILL BE HANDLED ON THE 27TH – 5/25 KAT
Remaining units that need to rotate thru HQ 5/26 Kat